We arrived 2 hours late in Zurich on December 24 (See I am already concerned about time again - Switzerland does that to you). This was actually a welcome delay for our families and friends who therefore didn't have to get up at 6am. After a warm welcome at the airport with flowers, flags from all the countries we visited, and a banner welcoming home the "Swinnenostans" we spent the day at Anja's parents house with a huge breakfast, celebrating Anja's mother's birthday and in the evening Christmas.

On the 25th, we stayed with my parents and my brother and girlfriend enjoyed a wonderful meal and time together. It never ceases to amaze me how fast we can travel these days. One minute ur in the middle of poverty of a third world country and the next you are indulging urself with luxurious foods in one of the richest countries of the world. I guess people call that culture shock!
We are now in the process of looking for jobs and getting all the various paperwork out of the way so that Switzerland knows that we exist again!
Happy New year to everyone and thanks again for all your comments and blogging over the last 5 months.