Hello from Sucre, apparently the official capital of Bolivia. Yet another beautiful city built in the mid 1500s, in true colonial style! Our trip here was delayed somewhat by a snow storm in La Paz the morning of our flight and we spent half of the day at the airport. That's what you get for building airports at 3500m above MSL :)

After taking a taxi from the airport to our hostal we found out that all of Sucre is celebrating an International Arts Festival. As we walked toward the center of town we passed a highschool with an art exhibit and also saw a flyer advertising a Contemporary Dance performance for the same night. Of course that was a must, having a professional dancer as a wife. We managed to grab some dinner and headed in the direction of the performance only to find out that there was another concert in progress before the dance show. We decided to push our luck and bought two tickets ($2 / person ... what a steal). When we opened the doors to the main venue we couldn't believe our eyes. A solo classical guitar concert by one of the top artists, Piraí Vaca. Having studied classical guitar myself for quite a few years, I sat in my seat for 2 hours straight, jaw dropped and applauding wildly after every piece. Piraí held our attention through from Bach to Tango. I guess God wanted us to be here... dance and classical guitar in one evening in the same location.
After the concert the contemporary dance was staged in the entryway of the theatre. Well, it wasn't exactly what we expected. It was rather interesting. I will let Anja elaborate more on the critique of the various pieces :)
All in all, it was an evening filled program of culture and we fell into bed around 12pm dead tired after a 18 hour day.
Markus and Anja,
It is so fun to read about your awesome travels. I'm so glad to hear that all is well with you both and that you're enjoying the beautiful sights around the world and meeting some new friends at the same time! Some great pictures! We miss you at Calvary and pray that your travels are safe and fulfilling. Andrea and I look forward to living vicariously through your blogging! Take care and God Bless.
Darren And Andrea - Minnesota Livin'
PS - I'd love to see Macchu Picchu sometime!
Darren and Andrea
great to hear from you guys. thank you so much for all the prayers. our travels have been safe because of them. i miss calvary too and i say hello to everyone, especially my 1st graders. i will try to write you guys a post card from australia!!!
all is well and well thank the Lord everyday for this wonderful opportunity He has given us.
God Bless you two as well!
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