Yesterday we cruised through the tablelands east of Cairns. The countryside reminded us a lot of Switzerland with the rolling hills, the cows, and the termite hills (okay, maybe not the termite hills). We stopped at a coffee processing plant for a refreshing iced coffee and latte and it was interesting to compare it with the coffee tour that we took in Costa Rica. In the evening we camped in a cute little village called Milla-milla in the midst of frog quacks and ear-deafening crickets.

Today we followed a road that is called the Waterfall Circuit. Within a couple kilometers of each other we saw three different waterfalls set within the tropical rainforest of northeastern Queensland. We also attempted a small hike but had to turn around due to some really annoying bugs/flies (sandflies?) that were eating us alive. We are currently in Innisfail, back on the east coast, and will be heading south towards Townsville and Mission Beach.
Good to see you are sticking to your roots eating "portions" of Bread and Cheese. Who's got better coffee? Columbia or Australia?
Well it all depends on who brews the stuff and of course on the blend, roast length etc. I'd have to give a thumbs up to the iced coffee in Australia over DQ, if you can believe that! Anja would probably disagree with me on this one since she has been craving DQ ever since we left the US. We might open our own DQ in Switzerland afterall... :)
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