Anja had a physical therapy appointment and we have good news - it appears that she is on the road to healing. It wasn't pinched disk afterall, but rather a slipped disk which makes a lot more sense. Her sciatica iscn't hurting anymore and the numbness in her foot is retreating more and more daily.
Our last day in New Zealand approached way too fast and we are about to board a 777 to Hanoi, Vietname 2morrow early morning. We had a wonderful time in this beautiful country which reminded us a lot of Switzerland minus the over-population. We are excited for our last adventure - Vietnam and at the same time are looking forward to being home for Christmas with family and friends.
1 comment:
Ech woensche alles, alles liebi ond gueti und en zauberhaft, idruecklichli ond unvergesslichi ziit in Vietnam...mer vermissed eu jetzt scho...take care, love marisa
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