ever ask for and much much more luxury than you every really need to live a happy life. We knew that we'd be going into something like this, but felt it a good way of aclimatising to the western world again and just relaxing a couple of days before heading home for good.
The weather has been perfect and the first day we simply relaxed by the pool and strolled along the beach, packed with sunburnt tourists! :) It was nice not having to think about our next travel steps and enjoy doing nothing.
Today I went climbing in the Raylay Beach areas. The rock was amazing and so was the scenery. Highlight was a 6b, which I didn't lead, unfortunately. Anja enjoyed another day by the pool, going through her daily 2h excercise routine and swimming 1km!

Welcome back to old europe !!
Wir wuenschen Euch alles, alles Liebe und Schoene back home in good old Switzerland...take care, love peter, marisa und de filou
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