Yesterday we visited a Butterfly Farm (Finca de Mariposas). We took the local buses to a rural area, getting on the wrong bus in the process. This is when we realized how bad our Spanish really is. Thankfully the people around us are really helpful and friendly and after a small detour around San Jose, we finally arrived after a very interesting 1 hour bus ride with all Ticos (People from Costa Rica) in the small city of La Guacima. The Butterfly Farm was an amazing experience. We got to see the 4 life stages and Anja released her own Butterfly.

Today we are touring a Coffee Roasting plant and drinking lots of it :) Well, all in all "Pura Vida" ... Life is good :)
Hey Guys -
Wow Peninsula de Osa, Costa Rica looked so peaceful. Butta! How is the laundry holding up? Markus, any luck with a BSF visit yet?
Basement is coming along. We are fully cemented and painted. Nearly done with the walls. Got Isaiah a roadside free big boy bed so we will be moving Libsy down in the room next to him using his crib. We are hoping this helps the sleep during the night. We miss you.
Justin and Renee and Kids
Greetings from afar ...
Costa Rica looks beautiful! Anja, Are you starting to get used to the big back pack yet? :)
All is well here. Carter has two teeth, and has started to crawl -- he is into everything! We are still doing a lot of camping. In fact, the gang is going again in a few weeks. We'll really miss having you there! Don't worry ... someone will make a token comment about "white rocks" in your honor. :)
Hope you continue to have safe travels!
Carrie, Darren, Kennedy and Carter
BSF hasn´t started yet, right? Can you resend me the adresses of the BSFs that I had sent you a while back? I seem to have lost that e-mail. Thanks! Laundry is going well, I just keep using the same pair of underwear... turning them inside out. The outside always seems to be cleaner than the inside so things appear to keep improving for every swap :)
Good to hear that the there´s progress on the basement. Looks like you´ll be able to reach the goal of completion by the time we come an visit again.
There have been other non-white-rock incidents but we will refrain from sharing them :) Nice to hear that Carter is living up to being a little boy: "Way to go Carter - keep creating a mess so your Mom can clean up after you!".
Enjoy camping with the gang minus the Gallagher´s and make sure and share some pictures if you get a chance.
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