On the Island of Isabela our guide organized a bus up to the beginnings of the cloud forest of the Negra Volcanoe (1490 m). From there we mounted horses and continued a 9 km treck up to the crater and along the ridge to the beautiful sunny side. Under a tree we "parked" our transport, and continued by foot down the slopes towards a newer volcano (chico) on new lava flows. As we were walking along a fairly new lava flow we suddenly felt a huge explosion and a tremor shook us. We all looked at each other and started running back toward safer ground. Later we heard that appearantly part of the crater that we were going to visit had collapsed ... wow... The guide decided it would be safer to head back. We pic-nic'ed and headed back the same way. Even got a chance to gallop along the edge of the crater... it was surreal.

Back by the ocean we enjoyed a relaxing afternoon and local specialty (Ceviche). After a stroll around Porto Villamil we headed back on board for dinner and prepared for a rough 10 hour navigation to Santa Cruz Island. The alarm woke us (for those that slept at all) at 5:30 and were rushed through the Darwin Research Center. It was worth getting up this early. The giant land turtles including Lonely George were awake and active.

After a brief breakfast back on board it was already time to say goodbye to the Encantada crew. We boarded a speedboat and traversed back to San Cristobal in a little over 2 hours. From there it was back to the mainland of Ecuador with a brief stop in Guayaquil.
wow, it sounds like you guys are having some incredible experiences. I love the picture of Anja with the sea lion :) Thank you for taking the time to fill us all in on your adventures. It's a lot of fun to read.
Hi Guys -
Wow what gorgeous pictures. The Galapagos are beautiful. Sorry so long to get back to you. We've been on two vacations and our home computer croaked on a virus. Now using a work loaner. So bummed we missed your call. We were in Alexandria for the Heimer Reunion. Would have been great to talk. Give us another call if you get a chance.
Boy your excursions sound awesome. What has been your favorite part so far? (other than wearing the same undies all over).
Markus, After writing the SF log I realized how stupid my question was as BSF has not started yet. Since our home PC puked and is yet restored I do not have your email. However, here is their website again.
Justin and Renee
Can I just say that I love taking a break in my day (at work) to learn about your latest adventure? It all sounds so amazing ...
Also, thought I should tell you about our little adventurous one; Kennedy broke her leg last week. Yep! She was carrying Carter across the hardwood floors at day care and wiped out. Her leg is fractured in 3 places. Let's just say that, although we aren't on a "trip around the world" there is never a dull moment here either!!!
We miss you! Take care.
Hola Anja y Markus,
Que viaje tan increible!
I like the photo of Markus in the spa. He looks like the "floating head" guy in a fair. In Latinamerica there are fairs where they present the "spider girl". A freak whose body (fake) looks like a spider and who claims became that way because she wouldn't want to hear to her parents advice. :)
Que tal, Hector?
Good to hear from you... well, I still have the same old body.. no spider situation below the neck! :)
Hope all is well with you. Don't work too hard.
We are in our last week of South America and could have easily spent 5 months on this beautiful continent. Next up, Australia....
Saludos de Cusco,
Markus y Anja.
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